Think Safety First – Summer Safety Tips

by Michael A. Loiz, Director of EMS

imagesSeasons change and so do the safety hazards. Summertime is so much fun for families, especially in a beach town like Stratford. Think “Safety First” to ensure your family has a wonderful time this summer.

Here are five simple tips to keep you and your family safe this summer.

1. Beach, pool and spa drownings happen quickly, especially when they involve children. A child can drown in the time it takes to answer a telephone. Always be alert to the hazards of drowning and drain entrapments – and how to prevent them. Make sure children and adults understand the importance of a “swim buddy” and talk to your kids about not swimming where adult supervision in not present.

2. We all need some sun exposure; it’s our primary source of vitamin D, which helps us absorb calcium for stronger, healthier bones. It doesn’t take much time in the sun for most people to get the vitamin D they need, and repeated unprotected exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression and skin cancer. Encourage all family members to use sunscreen and ensure that application instructions are read and followed closely.

3. Falls are the most common type of playground injury, accounting for more than 75% of all playground-related injuries. Lack of or improper supervision is associated with approximately 45% of playground-related injuries. Have children review playground safety rules with you before playground play and actively supervise children at all times.

4. There are so many great reasons to ride your bike or skateboard. It offers fun, freedom and exercise. More children ages five to 14 are seen in emergency rooms for injuries related to biking than any other sport. More than 82,000 people are treated in emergency rooms for skateboard-related injuries every year. Helmets, elbow / knee pads and wrist guards can dramatically reduce the risk of severe injuries.

If we work together as a community and always “Think Safety First,” we can help keep our families safe.

Stratford EMS hopes you have a great time this summer.

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